Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Culture and Telecommunication Essay
Media transmission has been characterized as a study of innovation and correspondence a ways off by electronic transmission of motivations, as by link, phone, broadcast, radio, or TV. Media communications is a significant territory of expert development. It has additionally been characterize as the electronic frameworks utilized transmitting messages, as by link broadcast, phone, radio, and TV. In spite of the advancement of today’s cutting edge interchanges innovation, correspondence hole is as yet pervasive and uncertain in the twentieth century. Concurring Minako O’Hagan, correspondences innovation has done â€Å"nothing to determine the language boundaries that forestall a free progression of correspondence among individuals who talk distinctive languages†(p. 1) O’Hagan called attention to that today’s universe of present day correspondence, separation, time, and quality have â€Å"ceased to be an issue†as â€Å"Webs of interchanges systems covering the globe confusing each other with electronic expressways on which voice, information and pictures stream at the speed of light, careless in regards to physical limits and national outskirts. These interstates give the foundation of the data structure similarly as the vehicle organize gives the foundation of the physical infrastructure†(p. 2) However, in spite of the modernization of the innovation of human correspondence language hindrances stays uncertain in many pieces of the world. O’Hagan refered to a case in March 1989, at a global lodging in Auckland New Zealand, where a Japanese agent with exceptionally restricted English made a call to the inn gathering. The English-talking secretary battle as she can't comprehend her Japanese visitor, she at that point accept that the man needed to make a significant distance call to Japan visitor so she associates him with the universal administrator who had likewise trouble speaking with the man so she connects him with a worldwide administrator in Japan. At long last, the Japanese administrator illuminates the New Zealand administrator that the man simply might want to arrange breakfast conveyed to his room. A web article entitled Communication underscored that not understanding the language can hinder human correspondence as appeared by the a valid example above as messages, verbal and non-verbal are in an alternate language. Setting, history of the event, relationship, and culture are a portion of the components that should be routed to have the option to have viable human correspondence. Human correspondence changed relying upon the specific event. Wilderness drums, smoke signals, morse code, photography, and workmanship are counterfeit correspondence instrument utilized by various gatherings of individuals even today. These instruments are as viable and as clear as the verbal correspondence. The most widely recognized techniques for correspondence, which generally utilized each day, are the composed and communicated in language, hand signals, and non-verbal communication. All in all, the mechanisms of human interchanges are the broad communications, made out of print and communicate, which signify a segment of the media, imagined and intended to contact a huge crowd, and the media transmission, which is another significant correspondence medium that passes on signals over a space with the end goal of correspondence. The article underscored that cutting edge strategy for correspondence, for example, through email, web gatherings, and text informing presently license for extraordinary significant distance trades between bigger quantities of individuals, while the conventional communicate media and broad communications, for example, TV, film, radio, paper, magazines, despite everything stick to one to many sort of correspondence. Verbal Communication According to Robert M. Krauss of the Columbia University, correspondence happens when signs transmit data bearing messages between a source and a goal (p. 2). Krauss noticed that human correspondence is recognized for its exactitude and adaptability using language. Verbal correspondence requires the utilization of words, images, jargon, and numbers and is orchestrated in sentences utilizing language. It incorporates expressing of words obviously and emphatically, in which the words and its clarifications influence thought and decide feeling (Krauss p. 2). When all is said in done, human correspondences utilize two sorts of sign, signs, and images. Signs are signs that are causally related to the message they pass on, while images are the aftereffect of party. A web article qualified How for Improve Verbal Communication refered to that verbal correspondence can be express through recounting or perusing a story to pass on successfully a message. The article noticed that accounts hold impact to convince an individual to identify with the message. Human interchanges have four principle stations basic to the work place or even in the general public, the composed correspondence, the media transmission, the outsider correspondence, and the vis-à -vis correspondence. The composed correspondence incorporates letters, updates, faxes, messages, and even content informing. The idea of composed correspondence as per a web article entitled Communication is that it gives a typical message to everybody, as beneficiaries will peruse similar words. In any case, a similar article expressed that the real words add up to just 7 percent of the message and the rest of comprised of 38 percent tone and nonverbal signs at 55 percent. At the end of the day, the collector of the message is left with the staying 93 percent for their own understanding of the message. Media transmission then again, incorporates phones, cell or cell phones, radios, and other voice interchanges. As indicated by a similar article, media transmission is more powerful than the composed correspondence in passing on a message since it utilized 45 percent ability of understanding the message as it permits quick collaboration between the sender and the recipient, in spite of the fact that there is despite everything staying 55 percent of the message’s expected inaccessible to the beneficiary. The more terrible of the four human correspondences channel, The Third-Communication, the message is exposed to a subsequent significance, which is that of the individual going about as the channel of correspondence. The message may never again be concrete as what the sender planned. The fourth correspondence channel be that as it may, which is up close and personal discussion offers the full cluster of correspondence as sender can pass on the ideal importance, and the beneficiary can explain or pose inquiry if essential. In this manner in human correspondence, the best would be up close and personal correspondence followed by media transmission, composed correspondence in third and outsider correspondence. Email essentially implies electronic mail and is a store and forward technique for making, moving, and putting away, accepting messages to a web-based interface, or directly to one’s PC or PC by methods for a program, for example, Microsoft standpoint. Email informing has improved the web mail administration, which has now the capacity to send instant message to mobile phones legitimately from email for nothing. Jefferson Graham calls it â€Å"social Communication†as it makes simpler for general society to go to and fro between email, texting, and text informing. The email informing is at present ruled by Yahoo mail administration with 83 million clients in the United States alone. Texting then again is a type of continuous correspondence between two individuals base on composed content. Text informing is transmitted utilizing PCs connected over a system, for example, the web. The contrast between texting and email is that texting offers a constant discussion while the email is in letter design where correspondence might be postponed. Text informing is a famous type of web based informing. It is characterized as a methods for passing on short messages to and from cell phone. Text is a normally the term for move of short messages, comprising of 160 characters or lower. Instant messages are the individual messages sent utilizing the SMS or the Short Messaging System from the cell phones. Social Differences and Similarities among Koreans and Americans In his article, Conflict Management during a time of Globalization: A Comparison of Intracultural and Intercultural Conflict Management Strategies among Koreans and Americans, Jongbae Hong noticed that discoveries of his examination uncovers that the two Koreans and Americans were slanted to utilize comparative examples of Conflict Management Strategies CMS in directing intracultural strife. Hong discovered that while Americans favor an opposition procedure and an emphatic direction, the Koreans will in general keep away from system and an agreeable direction to Americans. Another social distinction among Koreans and Americans is in the Korean’s utilization of bargain and joint effort techniques and their steady propensity for overseeing contrast in intracultural interface, Hong disclosed that Koreans will in general abatement in connection, the American on the opposite side will in general likewise decline in intercultural communication in their utilization of rivalry procedure and their emphatic inclination for overseeing strife. Further contrast among Koreans and Americans can be seen in the idea of family. In their article entitled Korean Version of the Geriatric Social Readjustment Questionnaire: Cross-social Comparison among Koreans and Americans in the Perception Life Events, Seung Chul Shin, SunTaek Whang, Chan Hyung Kim, and Ho Young Lee underscored that Koreans carefully esteemed family in accordance with Confucianism, and are distinctly aware of the significance of the family solidarity, progression of the family name, and financial security. Older are living with their grown-up youngsters and will in general be subject to their kids. In Contrast, American family focuses on independence. Kids 18 years of age or more are required to live all alone and grown-ups live in the retirement towns or home for the matured. As indicated by Hong, the improvement of correspondence and transportatio
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Methods to Cope with Life in Extreme Climates Essay
Individuals utilize shifting techniques to adapt to life in extraordinary atmospheres. An extraordinary atmosphere is a region with an anomalous climate design which builds the trouble to endure. A case of where individuals have adjusted to endure is in Australia. Australian pilgrims have spent incalculable decades refining complex techniques for withstanding the astringent states of the outback. Individuals in focal Australia utilize a wide assortment of techniques and ways to deal with battle against the intense warmth. One case of this is the development of houses cut from shear rock. This is a splendid technique for adapting to the climate as it keeps your home a similar temperature during that time and night. This is on the grounds that in the day it is protected and cool and around evening time the stone emanates any warmth it has retained through the course of the day, killing any requirement for focal warming or cooling. This spares any expenses or contamination from the man made frameworks. A case of this is appeared in an inn known as Prairie Hotel. They had an augmentation fabricated onto the lodging underground with no extra warming or electrical bills as it continues itself in that sense. Another way that individuals in Australia have adjusted to living in extraordinary atmospheres is by wearing longer, yet more slender garments. This isn't what most individuals from the general British open would expect as we will in general wear short garments in order to keep cool. Anyway the danger of burn from the sun is so incredible it isn't justified, despite any potential benefits. A large number of the adventurers who previously attempted to delineate passed on of sun stroke in light of that reality. In any case, the local Aborigines don't nee to wear long garments as their skin has figured out how to adapt to the warmth all alone. Another way that Australians lead an alternate way of life from us so as to adapt to the outrageous climate and size of the deserts is to produce their own power secretly. This is in order to spare the expenses of laying a large number of pounds of link and covering the tabs. Moreover as Australia is close to liberated from overcast spread in the outback, what other innovation would you utilize however sun powered force. It might be costly, however not when centered in contrast with the expenses to the link organization and the electrical firm. In addition, it can likewise help the earth by diminishing the quantity of individuals depleting our coal stores to make power. Taking everything into account, I feel that the first articulation is valid as appeared by the proof above. The most major of these being the way that they produce substantially more of their own capacity. I accept that it would be incredible if more MEDCs received this, anyway in ones, for example, Britain and the Republic of Ireland the general atmosphere is far to shady to have the option to produce sun based force. Anyway numerous other of their thoughts and lifestyles are effectively transferable to different societies which could help make the world an increasingly economical and better spot to live.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Devastating Quotes from Susan Sontags Diaries
Devastating Quotes from Susan Sontags Diaries When able to stomach the voyeuristic flavors of reading a published diary, there are full bodied excerpts that appeal beyond the consumption of someones private life. This is how I felt while reading Susan Sontags diaries: complicit and enthralled, with a guilt of ingesting something that was never meant for me. Yet the most reassuring and sensitive parts of Reborn might be that the universal anxieties of adolescence and identity are articulated by one of Americas greatest philosophers. Age 15 “Ideas disturb the levelness of life.†“It is humiliation with every slip-of-the-tongue, sleepless nights spent rehearsing tomorrows conversation, and torturing oneself for yesterday’s…†“Let me note all the sickening waste of today, that I shall not be easy with myself and compromise my tomorrows.†Age 16 “I don’t give a damn for anyone’s aggregation of facts, except in that it be a reflection [of] basic sensitivity which I do demand.†“College is safety, because it is the easy, secure thing to do.†“Can understand the whole thing. It would be so easy to succumb: A white collar job in the dayâ€"clerical-typist bookkeeper asst manager at Berlands. / Bar at night. / Lonelyâ€"wants sex / Anyone acceptable of the right sex, who is not ugly and will love + be faithful to me…†“We have all the sufficient strength to support the pain of others.†Age 23 “In marriage, every desire becomes a decision.†“Interpretation is the medium by which we justify context.†Age 24 “In marriage, I have suffered a certain loss of personalityâ€"at first the loss was pleasant, easy; now it aches and stirs up my general disposition to be malcontented with a new fierceness.†“The movie is the novel in motion; it is potentially the least rationalistic, the most subjectivized medium.†“One of the main (social) functions of a journal or diary is precisely to be read furtively by other people, the people (like parents + lovers) about whom one has been cruelly honest only in the journal. Will Harriet [Sontag’s Lover] ever read this? “Writing. It’s corrupting to write with intent to moralize, to elevate people’s moral standards.†“Nothing prevents me from being a writer except laziness. A good writer.†Age 25 “I water my mind with books.†“Harriet said something very striking yesterday, apropos of Sam W.’s enormous library, that collecting books in that way was ‘like marrying someone in order to sleep with him.’†Age 26 “I only meant to be kind. But now I have become a fraud, and I feel imposed on, oppressed by him.†“Important to become less interesting. To talk less, repeat more, save thinking for writing.†“How does one know one’s own feelings? / I don’t think I know any of mine now. I’m too busy propping them up and taking them together.†“I must help I. to write. And I write, too, it will stop this uselessness of just sitting and staring at her begging her to love me again.†Age 27 “It hurts yourself to love. It’s like giving yourself to be flayed and knowing that at any moment the other person may just walk off with your skin.†“The emotional life is a complex sewer system. / Have to shit every day or it gets blocked up.†“I do not believe she will come back to me. Those who go away never come back.â€
Saturday, May 23, 2020
About the Tallest Building in the World
Tall buildings are everywhere. Since it opened in 2010, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, has been considered the tallest building in the world, BUT... Skyscrapers are being built all around the world. The measured height of new skyscrapers seems to rise every year. Other Supertall and Megatall buildings are on the drawing board. Today the tallest building is in Dubai, but soon the Burj may be second tallest or third or further down the list. What is the tallest building in the world? It depends on who does the measuring and when its built. Skyscraper buffs disagree on whether features like flagpoles, antennae, and spires should be included when measuring building height. Also under dispute is the question of what, exactly, is the definition of a building. Technically, observation towers and communications towers are considered structures, not buildings, because they are not habitable. They do not have residential or office space. Here are the contenders for the worlds tallest: 1. Burj Khalifa It opened on January 4, 2010, and at a soaring 828 meters (2,717 feet), the Burj Khalifa in Dubai is now considered the worlds tallest building. Keep in mind, however, that these statistics include the skyscrapers enormous spire. 2. Shanghai Tower When it opened in 2015, the Shanghai Tower wasnt even close to the height of Burj Dubai, but it readily slipped into place as the second tallest building in the world at 632 meters (2,073 feet). 3. Makkah Clock Royal Tower Hotel The city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia jumped on the skyscraper bandwagon with the 2012 completion of the Fairmont Hotel in the Abraj Al Bait Complex. At 601 meters (1,972 feet), this towering multi-use building is considered the third tallest in the world. The 40 meters (130 feet) four-faced clock atop the tower announces daily prayers and can be seen 10 miles away from this holy city. 4. Ping An Finance Center Completed in 2017, PAFC is yet another skyscraper to be built in Shenzhen, Chinaâ€â€China’s first Special Economic Zone. Since 1980, the population of this once-rural community has increased by millions of people, millions of dollars, and millions of square feet of vertical space. At 599 meters high (1,965 feet), its roughly the same height as the Makkah Clock Royal. 5. Lotte World Tower Like PAFC, the Lotte was also completed in 2017 and designed by Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates. It will be in the top 10 highest buildings for a while, at 554.5 meters (1,819 feet). Located in Seoul, Lotte World Tower is the tallest building in South Korea and third tallest in all of Asia. 6. One World Trade Center For a while it was thought that the 2002 plan for Freedom Tower in Lower Manhattan easily would become the worlds tallest building. However, security concerns led designers to scale down their plans. The design of One World Trade Center changed many times between 2002 and when it opened in 2014. Today it rises 541 meters (1,776 feet), but much of that height is in its needle-like spire. The occupied height is a mere 386.6 meters (1,268 feet)â€â€Willis Tower in Chicago and the IFC in Hong Kong are taller when measured in occupied height. Yet, in 2013 the design architect, David Childs, argued that the 1WTC spire was a permanent architectural feature, whose height should be included. The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) agreed and ruled that 1WTC would be the third tallest building in the world when it opened in November 2014. Although 1WTC may be New Yorks tallest building for a long time, it already has slipped in global rankingâ€â€but so will most of todays completed skyscrapers. Its story will always be included in books about skyscrapers. 7. Guangzhou CTF Finance Centre Another Kohn Pedersen Fox-designed Chinese skyscraper, the Chow Thai Fook Finance Centre in the port city of Guangzhou rises 530 meters (1,739 feet) above the Pearl River. Completed in 2016, it is the third tallest skyscraper in China, a country gone wild with building tall in the 21st century. 8. The Taipei 101 Tower Measuring 508 meters (1,667 feet) tall, the Taipei 101 Tower in Taipei, Taiwan was widely considered the worlds tallest building when it opened back in 2004. But, like the Burj Dubai, the Taipei 101 Tower gets much of its height from a huge spire. 9. Shanghai World Financial Centre Yes, this is the skyscraper that looks like a giant bottle opener. The Shanghai Financial Centre still turns heads, but not only because its more than 1,600 feet high. Its been in the top 10 list of worlds tallest buildings since it opened in 2008. 10. International Commerce Centre (ICC) By 2017, five of the top 10 tallest buildings were in China. The ICC Building, like most of the new skyscrapers on this list, is a multi-use structure that includes hotel space. Built between 2002 and 2010, the Hong Kong building, at 484 meters (1,588 feet) high, will surely slip from the worlds top 10 list, but the hotel will still provide great views! More From the Top 100 Petronas Twin Towers: At one time the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, were described as the tallest buildings in the world at 452 meters (1,483 feet). Today they dont even make the top 10 list. Once again, we should look upwardâ€â€Cesar Pellis Petronas Towers get much of their height from spires and not from usable space. Willis Tower: If you count only habitable space and measure from the sidewalk level of the main entrance to the structural top of the building (excluding flagpoles and spires), then Chicagos Sears Tower (Willis Tower), built in 1974, still ranks among the tallest buildings in the world. Wilshire Grand Center: Up until now, New York City and Chicago have been the two cities to dominate skyscraper height in the U.S. Not anymore. In 2014, the City of Los Angeles changed an old 1974 local rule that mandated rooftop landing pads for emergency helicopters. Now, with a new fire code and construction methods and materials that mitigate earthquake damage, Los Angeles is looking up. The first to rise is the Wilshire Grand Center in 2017. At 335.3 meters (1,100 feet), its on the list of top 100 worlds tallest buildings, but L.A. should be able to get higher than that. Future Contenders Jeddah Tower: In ranking the tallest, do you count buildings that are still being built? Kingdom Tower, also known as Jeddah Tower under construction in Saudi Arabia, is designed to have 167 floors above groundâ€â€at a whopping 1,000 meters (3,281 feet) high, Kingdom Tower will be more than 500 feet higher than the Burj Khalifa and more than 1,500 feet higher than 1WTC. The list of 100 future tallest buildings in the world points to 1WTC not even being in the top 20 in a matter of years. Tokyo Sky Tree: Supposing we included spires, flagpoles, and antennae when measuring building heights, it might not make sense to distinguish between buildings and towers when ranking building heights. If we rank all man-made structures, whether or not they contain habitable space, then wed have to give high rankings to the Tokyo Sky Tree in Japan, measuring 634 meters (2,080 feet). Next in running is Chinas Canton Tower, which measures 604 meters (1,982 feet). Finally, theres the old 1976 CN Tower in Toronto, Canada. Measuring 553 meters (1,815 feet) tall, the iconic CN Tower was the worlds tallest for many years. Source 100 Tallest Completed Buildings in the World by Height to Architectural Top, Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, https://www.skyscrapercenter.com/buildings [accessed October 23, 2017]
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Persepolis The Story of a Childhood by Marjane Satrapi - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 738 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/07/01 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Persepolis Essay Did you like this example? Persepolis: The story of a childhood by Marjane Satrapi is an intriguing and heartbreaking, coming of age novel with a refreshing twist. The story portrays the Islamic Revolution through Marjis innocent eyes and conveys how The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood by Marjane Satrapi" essay for you Create order †Albert Einstein. The stark black and white imagery creates a personal connection and adds complexity to the story. In 1980, a year after the start of the Islamic Revolution it became obligatory for young women to wear veils to school. Although Marjis family is avant-garde she is forced to wear a veil and attend a religious, girls only school. She doesnt understand why her families personal life is drastically different from their public life. As Marji learns the reason behind the violence surrounding her country, she also learns about its eventful past. Satrapi also derived the title of the book from Irans past, Persepolis was the name of the city that was once the Capital of the ancient Persian empire. This title reflects Marjis struggles of holding on to her Persian ancestors beliefs or fighting for modern change. Her parents Ebi and Taji want the Shah to step down as leader of the country and frequently participate in protests. Although Marji doesnt quite understand the situation she decides to give up on her dream off being a prophet and instead become a revolutionary. After the Shahs removal, Islamic fundamentalist begin to run the government, they hunt and execute potential threats. When her Uncle Anoosh is executed by the government and depicted as a Russian spy in the newspaper, Marji begins to realize the lies surrounding her leaders. This event shapes her views on the government and creates a stronger bond between her and her family. When Marjis parents learn about a demonstration planned for the next day, Marji insists on attending. Although her father opposed the idea, Marjis mother believes she should learn to defend her rights as a woman now. Her mother encourages Marji to form independent opinions about her culture and government helping her become a strong woman. She is a role model for young women everywhere, fighting for freedom and equal treatment. As she is handing out flyers she witnesses violence with her own eyes for the first time. As the regime becomes stronger, laws become stricter forcing women to completely cover their hair with veils in public and banning alcohol. All western products are also banned including music, books, clothing, and artwork. When Marji is almost detained by the Guardians of the Revolution, a group who arrest women improperly veiled, her parents begin to question her safety. After two quarrels with her principal, Marjis parents decide to send her to Austria, fearing her rebellious behavior may cause her to be arrested. Marjis story continues in Persepolis 2, living in Vienna throughout her high school years attending Lycee Franais de Vienne (French School of Vienna). In a foreign country without friends or family to support her, Marji feels more lost and alienated than ever. Satrapi published her four part se ries Persepolis in French from 2000 2003. After earning critical acclaim the books were published in English translation in two parts from 2003 2004. In 2007 the novel was turned into a major motion picture earning $25,397,460 worldwide. The movie premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, where it co-won the Jury Prize. The autobiography won the Angoulme Coup de Coeur Award in 2001 at the Angoulme International Comics Festival. She went on to publish Embroideries, nominated for the Angoulme Album of the Year Award in 2003, the Award was won by her other book Chicken with Plums in 2005. Growing up in Tehran, as a child, Satrapi witnessed how the government hunted and executed those who threatened their power and suppressed the citizens liberties. Between the oppressive ideals of her country and her care free parents, Marji struggles in finding her true identity. Persepolis: The story of a childhood paints a clear picture of life in Iran and contradictions between home life and public life. The stark black and white imagery com pliment the carefully chosen words and create a stunning piece of literature with a personal connection and complexity. Although readers may not relate to the culture or the setting, the novel shows a young woman in search of a true sense of self.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Is the News a Reliable Source Free Essays
Reliability of News Introduction Today the world has progressed rapidly. It is all thanks to the media that created the awareness among the individuals and the societies. Media highlights the aspects, which were not existent before. We will write a custom essay sample on Is the News a Reliable Source or any similar topic only for you Order Now The world has become smaller and smaller and its advancements have been all thanks to the constant alarming of mass media. Despite the fact that news makes the international scenarios and us aware of the local it sometime, become a red devil itself. Discussion News is the source of gathering all the information needed to keep the people up to date with the latest trends and happenings. People now days get access to the news whenever they want. The main sources of tuning to the news include television, radio, newspapers, magazines and more of late the World Wide Web. Even the cellular services are not far behind as they keep people informed while one is away from the above mediums. Therefore, it is not necessary whether you are connected to these mediums or not, you can probably use your cell phone to get the latest updates. News and the media treat all people alike, as it has no personal contacts between the senders and receivers. Most of the times the news media can turn out to be the devil rather than an angel. It is better to say that media manipulates its role in such a way that people might be unable to understand their POV (Paul Dennis, pp 2-4). Prime example being the terror attacks of 11 September 2001. Many news channels and other media officials highlighted in their own perspective and ways. According to them 9/11, relate with the understanding of current events (Tom, pp 6-7). Others do not even come close to the topic as they think it is useless to talk about what they do not know. The news media creates the doubt of the individuals specially those who suffered the wrath of 9/11 and other similar terrorist activities. Conclusion The days of living like unaware person are no way possible in the modern era. The mainstream media has totally affected the life of individuals by all leaps and bounds. Today no person can think of surviving while the news media is running the show. In the days when internet was not very popular, newspapers were considered as the ultimate source of information. The news is helpful in gaining access to the new and contemporary information regarding lifestyle, sports, entertainment etc. At the same time, they play a negative role towards the psyche of an individual. The news media must play the role both informative and responsible, as there are many who cannot bear the sight of bad news in form of terrorism or other similar news. How to cite Is the News a Reliable Source, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Paper free essay sample
Over 70 million people in this country visit a hospital each year, so it is crucial that hospital staff is mentally and physically able to carry out the duties. Recent studies conducted in this county concluded that hospital staff that are burnout because of lack sleep, stress, and hours worked have an important effect on quality care. Burnout is term used to define a person who is feeling over worked and exhausted which is usually caused by spikes in stress levels. The study also discovered that a lot f hospital staff including doctors were pushed to work long hours without time to rest and unwind. Along with the long hours, hospital staff was pushed emotionally and physically which can increase the amount of errors hospital staff can give to their patients. The good news is hospitals across this country is taking notice; the top 25 hospitals in the United States are using new techniques to help staff members deal with the effects of burnout. 1.Introduction The retail Industry reacts rapidly to changing and developing trends that may impact customer demand for pricing and offers, explicit products, customer service, and other features of customers understanding of a retail brand. Earlier, retailers analyzed business data and any other customer report data that was accessible. Today, a huge amount of data is available to them from various retail web-sites, mobile location data from computers, smart phones ND tablets, in-store video and analytic systems, customer demographics, embedded sensors and social media to name a few. This chunk and collection of data available to retailers provides abundance of new opportunities to raise revenue, control costs and converse vying threats. Big Data applications distinguished by the presence of abundance and complex data sets, signifies the acknowledgement of new visions and designs to better understand customer behavior. But in a marketplace infested with delayed economic growth and large costs, retailers are struggling aggressively to boost their hare of customers wallets.The ascent of a new breed of digital customers that wants personalized and promotion-based pricing has made success in this domain even more complicated. Although there are new visions and designs that are acknowledged through these complex data sets, dealing with such voluminous and disparate data sets is a huge challenge for companies. This outburst of data is both an asset and a chance but only if the retailers understand of what it signifies. Retailers are comprehending that the ability of B ig Data cannot be controlled using typical Database management tools. The Big Data application in Retail Industry needs results that can assist them access customer and product knowledge, realize and act with the trends Of customer behavior, and guarantee their continued purpose and endurance in an extremely challenging market. The result needs to instantly assemble and process this amount of data from various channels and understand real-time observations and analytics to generate quick decision for creating true business value.The goal of this paper is to explore Big Data application in Retail industry, review methodologies that include suitable framework, how Big Data is the evolving solution for retailers, challenges involved, current state of Big Data application in retail and its scope in the future. 2. Literature Literature review accounts the description and definitions ideas that are discussed in this paper along with the research in progress and also it points out the expected future of advancing technology and Big Data applications in Retail . . 1 Defining terms which are used in this paper. 2. 1. 1 Big Data Analytics It is the method of analyzing large data sets holding a variety of databases i. E big data to reveal market trends, customer choices, hidden tatters, uncharted correlations, and other beneficial business information. It allows organizations seeking relevant business information and perceptions to analyze a mix of semi-structured, structured and unstructured data.The analytical data can direct to more productive marketing, competitive benefits over opposing organizations, better operational ability, improved customer service, new revenue junctures and other business advantages. The basic goal of Big Data analytics is to assist organizations to make reliable business decisions by allowing predictive meddlers, data scientists ND other analytic professionals to analyze huge amount of transaction data, as well as different patterns of data that may be initiated by common business intelligence plans. That could involve Internet slipstream data and Web server logs, content from survey answers and customer emails and, mobile-phone text call logs and machine data detected by sensors that are connected to the Internet. Determining Big Data with the software tools are usually availed as part of advanced analytics disciplines such as , data mining, text analytics, predictive analytics and statistical analysis. In addition, tat warehouses may not be able to hold the altering requests modeled by sets of big data that require to be updated repeatedly or even persistently.Hence, multiple organizations looking to process, accumulate and analyze big data are turning to a fresh class of technologies that involve Hoodoo and related tools. Those technologies shape the center of an open source software framework that holds the processing of varied and huge amount data sets. In few cases, Hoodoo systems are being accounted as staging areas and platforms for data before it is put into a data wareh ouse for examination. The idea of a Hoodoo data lake that aids as the principal repository for companys arriving streams of raw data, is being advanced by big data vendors. Subsets of the data can be clarified for analysis in such architectures, in analytical databases and data warehouses, or utilizing batch query tools, SQL on Hoodoo and stream processing software technologies, ad hoc queries written in SQL, it can be examined straight in Hoodoo. Even though many vendors presently offer software links between relational databases and Hoodoo, in addition to data integration tools alongside big tat effectiveness, merging data warehouses and Hoodoo systems can be a challenge. . 1. 2 IT Technology and Frameworks in Consideration Today, in the present generation Of information progression, similar anticipation is very critical to execute a huge amount of material in a favorable way. The advancement of aligned actions and computations is the method to achieve finer compliance and execution to manage such large knowledge. In the cutting edge digital world, there are many prevailing analogous adapting methods. Map reduce, a programming model that Google formulated is acknowledged as an intensely prevailing large amount f information altering ideal which is been briskly constricted on and linked along with the erudite society including business people. The commended actions for the Map reduce caches fine aspects analyzed along with adjusting, conveyance, information stockpiling, duplication etc. For executing the adaptability of large information, which are decrease and guide capacities, it will be understandable to know that developers label 2 capacities.The current functions of the Map reduce are subdivided into 3 sections: Easing up sub methods, three applications according sub space, and serrated covering mounts. 2. 1. 2. 1 Map Reduce To process a large amount of data, the applications can be drafted using this framework. Map Reduce mostly separates the data that is administered as an input and the data is processed with the assistance of map tasks in an alongside way. In distributed computing situations, this framework is implied to as a different approach of altering huge information, it is also condemned as DBS and a significant step rearward.Map Reduce is generally disengaged of designs and accounts and therefore, its structure necessitates a single emerging log at resultant information. The last occurrence demonstrates that none of this is colossal, because of the civil argument advances and the two alterations are complementary. Including Aster and Hoodoo, less handlers of DBS acquire tantamount into their frameworks, the Map reduce front-closes. Fig 1: Map-Reduce 2. 1. 2. 2 Hoodoo It helps to examine the data that is extensive in size and is an organized one.To analyze the massive data, it uses an aligned database mode. There are various elements resent for Hoodoo DB. The database connector, executes queries of SQL and establish connection to the database. Information about he data base is controlled by the catalog controls. From compliance and execution of DBS and Map reduce, Hoodoo which is a half and half framework, conveniently accomplishes the best means. Fig 2: Arch texture of Hoodoo System 3. Apache Hoodoo for Retail As power has transposed to consumers, the reality of shopping has altered severely in recent years.Retailers rein in Hoodoo and Big Data to propose consumers Personalized Shopping Experiences. Even while drifting through stores, shoppers can easily search, observe and compare products from any device. Reviews can be exchanged shared about products and retailers wrought social media. In this new tech generated atmosphere, retailers have to compete and make use of new strategies and methods to allure customers. Through many channels, Big data and Hoodoo allow retailers to link with customers at a completely new level by controlling the huge amount of new data accessible today.It assists retailers to integrate, store and analyze an advanced variety of online and offline customer data like e commerce transactions, email , slipstream data etc. 4. Critique and Limitations of technology There are already existing multiple copies of big data. These multiple copies of the data resulted as HDTV was erected without the idea of effectiveness. There is very little SQL support: as there are open source elements that attempt to set up Hoodoo as a questionable data warehouse, however they offer very less SQL support.The Map Reduce IS a challenging framework which is very difficult to influence for different transformational logic. With directed offers and promotions receiving the biggest benefits, Big Data does have a certain positive impact on Retail industry, followed by an appeal Of customer-centric marketing, forecasting ND supply chain modeling, loyalty program management, workforce management and store design. 5. Current Stage of Big Data in Retail A key source of ambitious benefits is change, comprising of adoption, invention and deployment of new technology and affiliated process betterment.In retail industry Big Data is an innovation that has acquired prominence. Managers have greatly been trying to comprehend what Big Data encompasses, how to make it a necessary part of their businesses and what it may be accounted for, who are working in retail supply chain firms (that is, manufacturers, distributors, logistics providers, retailers, wholesalers, ND other service providers). For retail supply chains Big Data can be used with focus on applications. In retail supply chains, Big Data use is still ambig uous. Even though maximum number of managers have stated initial, and in some cases cogent efforts in examining huge sets of data for decision building different challenges enclose these data to an extent of use arching usual transactional data. 6. Future direction for Big Data in Retail In Retail industry, big data can be the fuel to victory. And hence making Big Data analysis interactive is accessible, multi-source and scalable or a good business: A business leader in search of good methods to drive crucial growth, a logistics manager reconstructing inventory management or a fraud specialist analyzing claims.People in the technology world, when talk about analysis they usually signify computed solutions of complex mathematical archetype. Even though the definition of big data in accordance of velocity, variety and data volume- only happened about in 2001. But in the last five years big data has captured a fresh lease of life, greatly as a result of discovering new methods and techniques to analyze tat by companies and retailers. The data type is one of the key sources that makes big data huge.Big data analytics usually focuses on unstructured data, such as videos, emails, photos and posts on social networks, unlike the typical business insight, which examines structured data. Even though unstructured data is acceptable, Hoodoo which is an open-source framework for accumulating huge amount of data, has prospered in the last decade. Retail stores are making use of big data extensively. They can examine customer activity by making use of loyalty cards.For instance, they can stock a less- ailing product since the consumer who are likely to spend the most have an inclination to buy it. Having a very little insight on this will make them loose out on potential revenue or, worse, loose the most promising customers. Big data is now enterprise-ready, i. E. It is economically applicable. Since it is now inexpensive to stores processing this data and increase in computer processing speeds can leverage big data analytics to do more businesses.Now people with less particular skills can open up to big data due to the availability of Analytics tools. Real-time can help do analysis. New companies ND organizations are now beginning to develop frameworks to provide companies with awareness, since Hoodoo was not drafted for real-time examination. 7. Discussion Advantages: The advantages of Big Data in the retail industry are many. Errors can be determined quickly by making use of Big Data Analytics. Real- time awareness in mistakes assists retailers to act as soon as possible to check the effects of a functional problem.This can rescue the operation from failing or falling behind entirely. Retailers can stay one step ahead, with the Real-Time Big Data Analytics, from the competition. Good service can aromatically lead to greater length of extra revenue and conversion rate. Upcoming failures can be monitored by organizations when the customers use the products. When some unknown person attempts to hack into a retails business he can be are notified at the very instant. Additional revenue can be achieved by the retailers by making good sale insights.If an internet retailer observes that his product is doing very well, he can take action to keep out on the lost revenue. Retailers can maintain with customer trends. Faster and wiser decisions can be taken that will help in meeting the customers needs. Disadvantages of Big Data applications in Retail: For implementing Big Data, the complexity and cost are very large. Retailers are still not entirely ready for Big Data and limited with basic business reporting. Big Data solutions require to address the retailers needs.A good quality of time is required to value Big Data. Retailers biggest challenges are to make good data driven business decisions, to examine the reporting and analytic tools. The retail industry has enormous amount of data which is difficult to analyze at lower level of detail. It becomes difficult to integrate and access the enterprise or third-party data. It takes too long for the queries to run. Handling retailers questions, deprivation of aid and extended chain in describing demands to IT becomes hard for reporting tools. 8.Conclusion and Implications As a principal software framework for a large, data-intensive and distributed applications, Apache Hoodoo has attained enormous popularity, but the convolution of controlling and deploying Hoodoo has become likely. Early takers of Hoodoo are realizing that they lack the procedures, tools and processes that they need to deploy and control these arrangements conveniently. However Hoodoo makes it easy to control and deploy regular installations and automation features easily of Big Data Systems that lessens the cost of ownership to retailers.Today the retail industry realizes that necessary to understand that the technology is developing, changing and that the competitors of this market should acclimate and know that the consumer wants have changed. Retailers need acknowledge and anticipate consistently the online and offline de mands of consumers. The research exhibits what Big Data aids to and how it will advance to ambitious benefits in the retail industry. Based on alternate sources acquired from online, the research made with the assistance of office analysis depicts how Big Data accordingly directed towards alteration of retail.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Gender Issues Essays (1349 words) - Gender Studies, Gender, LGBT
Gender Issues After reading through my gender log, during the past few weeks, I observed that many people are trained to determine their gender by their biological sex. Some of the people that I have observed and written about would probably never have doubted their sexual orientation. Others have definitely examined their sexuality. Whether this sexuality is male or female is entirely up to them. This is their true sexual identity. Still others that I noticed have actually convinced themselves, whether it is true or false that their biological gender is not, their true gender. The people who seemed that they were completely sure that their gender was solely based on their biological sex, were easy to identify for me. These are the people we have been familiar with all of our lives. These people self-categorize themselves. By acting and dressing according to their gender assignment, these people gave me the impression that they ultimately know if they are male or female. I think that they truly believe, without ever questioning their sexuality that they were born either male or female. They act out their assigned gender roles. They either see their sexuality as, black or white, with no gray areas. In my journal, I wrote about how I observed a man and a woman at a restaurant. The man automatically paid the bill. This is androcentric behavior. It is assumed in our society that the man should pay, although it is becoming more common for women to pick up the tab, or even them both. This is an example of people who believe that their biological gender is their true gender. The second type of person, the person who may have at one time or another wondered whether or not they were gay, is also pretty easy to identify, if you are able to observe and truly learn about their habits. As an example I'll use a male teenager who I went to high school with. I'll call him Joe. Joe was a very good looking male, biologically speaking. When Joe was a small child, I notice growing up with him that he had more female friends and that the boys did not like him very much. Many of the boys would often call him homo, or say go play with your girlfriends. He was very damaged by all of this. He would usually sit with the girls at lunch, but never the boys. He was often picked on in class with taunts and under the breath innuendoes. He did very well in all subjects in school but did best in art class and theater. His general body language was feminine, the way his hands moved and the way in which he would walk, talk, and even carry his books. I notice that he never tried to change his behavior to please others, which seemed to be gender assigned feminine behavior. He would also state I am not gay. His mother actually was going to sue the school to put the responsibility on the school to prevent the students from harassing her son. Joe never conformed, to his biological sexual identity being male. He was who he was and everyone believed he was gay. I don't know if he is or isn't gay because he went to art school in the city. I think he was having an identity crisis. The third type of person is a person who biologically without a doubt is male of female due to society's guidelines of gender. However, this type of person may want to be the opposite sex. They either are kidding or they want to be the opposite sex. Something about it embraces them. This brings to mind a movie I saw the other night, Silence of the Lambs, by Thomas Harris, when the serial killer believes he was born a female in a males body. These people are sexually dysmorphic, meaning that their self-concept does not fit their sexual biology. He wanted a total sex change and had many psychologists trying to help him. The psychologists did not agree with his desires and he was prohibited from having the operation because they felt he was not psychologically stable. As a result, his fixation with being female
Friday, March 6, 2020
The Hazards of Science essays
The Hazards of Science essays Have you ever heard of the term hubris? Hubris defines the actions people partake in that are reserved only for Gods. This means that at times people play the roles of Gods. Is this acceptable? It depends on the situation as to whether or not hubris is acceptable. There are distinct times when hubris is both allowable and unacceptable. When people make the comment, I am God, do they really mean it? Of course not. They are merely stating that they feel their status in life at that time is above those of their piers. It is a feeling of joy people get when they win a game or race. It is a truly safe feeling of hierarchy. This doesnt mean that God has been reincarnated as that person. This is a safe and often reassuring feeling. Another safe example of hubris is often shown in parenting. Parents often scold their children and sometimes reiterate that they are God. Again, this doesnt mean that God has been reincarnated as that person. It is merely a teaching method that establishes a chain of command. The parent is ensuring that the child knows who is in charge. This teaching method can be safe and affective if not blown out of proportion. An issue that many feel is skeptical is the United States role in World affairs. The United States often times looks as if it is guilty of hubris. The United States wants to know that it has some control and mediation of all the countries. In a way, this is unacceptable hubris. Countries have the right to govern themselves as they wish. They shouldnt be told what to do by an outside party. This affects the issue of their freedom. Just how much freedom do people really have when the United States plays God? Americans dont realize just how good they have it. There are no other countries that try to govern Americans and limit their freedom. The answer as to whether or not the United States takes part ...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Business planning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Business planning - Assignment Example The food purchasing pattern of consumers is not only driven by the taste of the food but the food and the store should also have a pleasing impact on the aesthetic senses of the consumers. Since 2009, the food service and fast food industry is growing at a rapid rate and interestingly growth is high in the fast food sector. Quick Pizza is expected to attract significant number of consumers as a result of its high quality pizzas, cost effectiveness and innovative nature of business (Market Line, 2011). The pizza industry can be classified into three segments, such as, dine-in, takeout and home delivery services. According to market report, delivery services and takeouts form a major share of the industry revenue. Dine-in choices are presented by most adequately sized establishments while takeout is a convenient choice presented to consumers by mobile vendors as well as restaurants. The proposed business idea comes under the purview of quick service business model where the overall cost associated with the business is minimised because of lack of fixed establishment. The current consumer trend suggests that consumers are increasingly becoming health conscious and most fast food sellers are incorporating this requirement in their food menus (IBIS World, 2015). The United States is slowing recovering from the devastating recession and economic slowdown. In last half decade, the fiscal position of the country has improved considerably but the economy is still struggling with income inequality and unemployment issues. The purchasing power of consumers continues to be all time low but is expected to improve in recent time. The cost of infrastructure is increasing in an abrupt manner and the gross domestic product of the country is relatively low among other developed economies. Besides these, the labour wage and price of commodities are increasing at a rapid rate. The consumption pattern in the food service industry has been affected by present economic scenario and
Monday, February 3, 2020
US Intel Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
US Intel Community - Essay Example The great thing about this agreement is that there is a common face to it and is apparently diplomatic and open addressing on alien nations1. But there is as well a dark and covert side and although they allegedly are not appropriated to operate domestically, they do act domestically through the big private institutions - enforcing the policies of the UN Organizations. Understanding that explains how UN policies are interconnected and enforced in the United States. From the start of this nation history, there have been two sects - Internationalists and Nationalists. The Nationalists were our Founders. The Internationalists were the Tories - oppositions of independence. Traditionally, the military have been accountable for interior security and homeland defense. The National Security Act of 1947 regrouped the leadership of the armed forces following Second World War, validating a Defense Department (DOD) with a Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) that content directly to the Commander-in-Chief. As we now acknowledge, the NSC was not arranging a great job aligning all the facets of Office of Homeland Security2. For instance, border security was addressed in a split way by a number of agencies. Intelligence was not being effectively shared. To start with, from ethical point of view, the National Security Act of 1947is an act that governs all partaking office with origins and roots from the US governance. Taking the account that United nation is excluded from the provision of United states intelligence information is unethical on account that the organization has rights as far as the laws is of concern. The organization has been of help in identification of individuals disputes and always alerted the States on any prevailing measures needs to be taken just on time. 2. How would you define "morally intolerable" and "morally acceptable" from an intelligence operation perspective concerning national security? Is torture of terrorists or enemy
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Fashion marketing Processes
Fashion marketing Processes INTRODUCTION Fashion marketing is something new and upcoming on the horizon , especially in India with the rise in Indian middle class. Globalization and the shape of economy, its positive impacts are also evident in retail , textile and clothing industry and hence fashion. Some are already here and others are headed this way . Global fashion brands like Tommy , Chanel , LV have found Indian shores and starting to create their luxury niche markets. These dramatically changing market conditions have bolstered the demand for highly competent fashion marketing professionals who can take up key positions in fashion marketing, Brand management and related areas. FASHION MARKETERS An extremely interesting and creative field to work in , there are many upcoming courses to tap on the trend of fashion marketing. Aspirants of such course should be creative as well as knowledgable of the environment and the industry on the whole. It has been a major source of argument that fashion marketing is different from other goods marketing simply because of the nature of such an industry. Another very unique feature in fashion marketing is that with no trade barriers , globalization , considerable variations in culture, ethics, social perspective , it is not uniform even at the national level, let alone the international arena. Hence its biggest challenge. Delhi based Pearl Academy of fashion and WLC have already started post graduate programs on fashion marketing . Seeing the rise in demand of Indian fashion industry , its value chain has also increased in a phenomenal growth percentage Fashion marketing is all about how the clothes should reach the market when they have been designed and created. That is where the fashion marketing team takes charge. It seamlessly integrates advertising , design and business admin and a knowledge base about the fashion industry to be successful. For example who would be interested in a silk blouse ? A 15 year old girl or a 30 year working woman.these marketers have a good sense of popular culture and what will become stylish and in for the future. They should not only what will be successful but also which consumer group will be more interested. The fashion marketing process: A major part of the fashion marketing is behind the scenes in the sense that they keep tabs on the latest fashion trends and consumer buying habits , put together campaigns that target those specific consumers keeping in mind the broader world of fashion . They are savvy idea team , the connectors between the designers and the public. Fashion weeks , top notch fashion magazines like Vogue , Verve etc , fashion calenders, trends , blogs are where fashion is seen best. Fashion marketers need to be updated on all the fronts to exist in this dynamic, cut -throat, bling industry. FASHION MARKET AND INDIA The fashion market has been categorized and structured as below: Haute couture are the famous international fashion houses of the world. Designer wear is shown as prà ªt-a-porter. Mass markets are the market area where most people buy their clothes. The size and value chain of fashion market is shown below: As we are witnessing the Indian consumer is evolving and the fashion companies in India are reacting to this evolution through countless options. The fashion market has been growing leaps and bounds due to the young population , increase and rise in the middle class , increase in consumption and retail . This push and pull mechanism has made several businesses react to this with the retail business having the largest share of modern organised retail in India ie 20 % of the current market of Rs 56000 crore. Bilateral Co-operation in this sector shows great synergies. An Indo Italia Task Force on Fashion Design and life Style products has been created following an agreement between the Indian Ministry of Commerce and Italian Ministry of International Trade. On the Indian side members include FICCI Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce Industry , NID National Institure of Design while on the Italian side there is Confindustria, Altagamma, Universita Bocconi, ICE. A few facts : Georgio Armani has signed up with DLF , joint venture with the most reknowned real estate firm . Armani will get Rs 10 mn into this retail venture. It will be opened up in New Delhi. Reliance Brands has entered into 49:51 joint venture with Sixty Group . Its an Italian fashion house retailing its brands in India. Raymond had also tied up GAS to bring its retail venture to India. Consumer spending in India has increased over the last few years nearly touching the global benchmark of 5 % of total income In the past 3 years , Investments in the textile sector has increased from $ 3 Bn to $ 8 bn. Europe is Indias biggest export market. Demand in rural India for ready made garments will increase at 16.6% annually to touch US$ 10.41 Bn by this year. Versace is going to tie up with Reliance Brands The fashion Industry is expected to rise at 23 percent by 2013 FASHION MARKETING ROLES A fashion marketer has to don various caps to do suitable justice to his profile, which includes: Apparel innovation Brand loyalty Consumer decisions and shopping behaviour Manufacturing systems Market positioning Merchandising Perceptions in the marketplace Piracy issues Pricing structures Product image Quality and performance measurement The importance of socio-economic factors Role of technology in Fashion marketing Marketing fashion is about visual communication at the basic level.Media designers and fashion marketers are using the internet as strong medium to reach out to the masses The Fashion Cycle Styles will be introduced, taken up by the fashion-forward, and then acknowledged and accepted by the general population. It will phase out once it is popularized.and by then designers will be busy with the new look.And this is where the Internet comes in. What is worn by a celebrity today can literally be seen by thousands the same day, increasing demand and ultimately shortening the life cycle of a fad. Retail Technology There are specialised and personalised softwares for assisting buyers, merchandisers , managers to not only track sales but buy raw materials more efficiently . And the internet has made it easier for fashion coordinators , fashion directors , graphic designers , advertising , stylists and so on to keep a tab on the fashion world on a minute to minute basis . Store managers , consumer consultants etc can determine and forecast sales for the entire chain or region by pulling up updating data from the internet. Creative Opportunity Graphic designers , advertisers, photographers have much much more opportunities to design , sketch , write about trends because of the internet . They can write about who is wearing where on which red carpet , about the various fashion weeks going on around the world and open the doors to international fashion. Social Media Social networking groups and fashion blogs are putting the action from all across the globe . Justjared is one such hugely successful blog reporting what celebrities wear and what is in trend all across.They have been phenomenal to say the least.These local trend setters are having a gala time with the publicity and interest they are generating in the world of fashion. Education Students of fashion marketing , fashion PR , fashion merchandising are being trained and made accustomed to study and utilise marketing trends on the internet . Luxury market and Fashion Marketing Luxury brands are always about making their customers feel they own something one in million. And fashion marketers have acknowledged that the luxury wave is hitting Indian shores with a number of luxury brands entering the market such as Zara , Liz Clairborne , Burberry etc. The Luxury Marketing Council Worldwide has established a chapter in India, with the aim of promoting luxury in India. Their task will also be to build synergy between various luxury brands interested in India by way of sharing of consumer insights as well as best practices. Hindustan Times has been extremely active and is pioneering the luxury revolution in India by organizing two Indian Luxury Conferences in the last 4 years. And it also supplies monthly magazine of luxury goods available in India, creating awareness and enthusiasm. The luxury market is relatively smaller with respect to the number of companies, but goes much beyond its weight both in terms of sales and more specifically, influence. Luxury market leads the world of promotion , PR and marketing per se ; they have the best packaging best merchandising , best promotions and the best of prices . Some insights : There were 135,000 millionaires (in US dollar terms) in India in 2009. The affluent market is growing at a rate of 13% in India The wealth potential of Indias affluents and their preferences have been found to match the West The role of fashion marketing is even more important in the field with new developments , theories and knowledge to be shared every day and the trends changing every season. The focus of luxury brands in India is about â€Å"how soon†they will settle themselves here and â€Å"how will†they cater to our Indian audience . In luxury business no one can afford to treat their customers as loose segment. A number of Western brands have already started on focussing on the very demanding Indian consumer giving them fashions like â€Å"ethnic chic†etc to give them a taste of their own sensibilities and capturing their interests. A word of caution that goes for luxury marketers, irrespective of their brands and geographical presence The luxury consumer is always looking for newer ways to satisfy his continuously changing needs. Hence, the need to keep a close tab through insightful research is of prime importance. Conclusion Fashion marketing has the best of both worlds fashion and marketing. The fashion marketer must know about brand equity, marketing techniques and consumer buying habits. As far as India is concerned, given the rapidly accelerating affluence of the masses, the scenario is set to witness a boom . Universities have started to give out courses in this specialization sensing a need from the market.All fashion houses , luxury brands , retail chains have sensed the need for the two to be combined and present the crucial role of a fashion marketer. A very lucrative and creative field , it has gained huge popularity and is the most upcoming thing in the marketing world. The ones who will be riding the wave will be the ones whove kept their ears open to each and every word of their each and every customer.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Linen and Laundry Service in Off Premise
Different types of hotel in the Philippines Many people visit the Philippine Islands each year in order to enjoy its picture perfect views and Asian hospitality. Luckily, there are several types of hotels available in the Philippines that make it possible for anyone to afford a trip. Whether you're looking for student-budget type lodging, luxurious accommodations or something in between, the Philippines has got you covered. Luxury Hotels Luxury hotels are available across the Philippines and are an ideal type of hotel if you're looking for refined surroundings.They're a great option for honeymooners or anyone who wants to be treated like royalty for a while. This type of lodging facility will ensure that you are fully pampered and leave you feeling like your money was very well spent. Consider these top- rated luxury hotels located in the Philippines. Diamond Hotel, Manila This 27-story, five star hotel is located in Manila and radiates class and elegance. It's located in a great are a, Just minutes away from museums, parks, convention centers and shopping malls. Your accommodations, from the sheets on your bed to the towels in your bathroom, are guaranteed to be top-of-the-line quality.If you stay here, take advantage of the exquisite guestrooms, bars and restaurants. Location: Rosa Blvd. Core. Dry. J. Quintus SST. Manila 1000 Web: Demimondaine. Com Marimbas Blurter beach resort, Zebu Indulge yourself at the Marimbas Blurter Beach Resort in Zebu. Choose from rooms located on the beach wing (including bungalows), the garden wing, or the Mama Spa wing and enjoy authentic Filipino hospitality. This is the ideal hotel to book if you're looking for relaxation and deluxe accommodations. Location: Marimbas, Buying, McCann Island Zebu 601 5 Web: www. Blurter. Com. PH/marimbas/home. P Budget Hotels A budget hotel is ideal for business travelers and those who don't require frills and want to save some money. There is a variety to choose from across the Philippines and al l offer affordable rooms and Filipino hospitality. If you're looking for a comfortable bed and great bargain, opt for a budget hotel while in the Philippines. The Legend Hotels organization has hotels all across the Philippines, including the Legend Villas, Legend Palatal, Mayhap Manor, Cabana Cloacae, Cabana Cuba and Cabana Papas. Each one is owned and managed by Filipinos, which give them n authentic Filipino flavor.They offer value rates that make rooms affordable for many people and each room is different from the others. Location: 2650 A. Boniface SST. , Magmata City 1233 Web: Lighthouses. Com. PH SST. Alien's Inn, Magmata This boutique-style budget hotel in Magmata has a great sense of charm. It provides guests with basic amenities and is a practical choice for any traveler. Enjoy yourself in the inner courtyards and take in the classic architecture during your stay. Location: 7461 Scintilla Street, Poi del Pillar Magmata City 1230 web: Scintillating. M Hostels Hostels are the best solution for the budget traveler who likes to meet new people from all over the world. By staying at a hostel in the Philippines you can save a substantial amount of money each night, making the overall cost of your vacation much lower. Prices per person, per night, range anywhere from $5 to $50. Here are a few excellent hostels to choose from. Townhouse Manila You can't beat paying less than $10 for a bed. The Townhouse opened in 1986 and has served as a comfortable place to sleep for people from more than 85 countries.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Mass Media and Its Influence in Shaping Ideas Essay
Dramatic advances in mass communication and transportation during the past 50 years have truly created a global village; a mass society. Things occurring anywhere are now quickly known everywhere. Mass media both overwhelm us with information and help us to sort it out. The development of mass media has had a great influence on our lives. We have come to depend on it for information and so forth. In doing so, we allowed it to affect important aspects of our lives. Media, why is it has been a hot topic of discussion in our nowadays society? We find that in our country, Malaysia, the mass media plays a very crucial role in influencing and changing the thinking of our current society. Taking this one issue as an example; the issue that has been a viral recently, which is Public Resurrection Rally or also known as Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat. Apart of being famously spread through media in internet such as online news and videos, surely the main mass media including television, radio and newspaper also made a wide coverage on this issue no matter they are supporting it or not. However, for sure when they differ in their goals and interests, hence the way they report about the issues also differ. This different ways of reporting thus causes varying acceptance in society. Quoting one finding by Shanto Iyengar in his book entitle ‘Is Anyone Responsible? ’ while he was doing an evaluation on the effects brought by news on television concerning political issues, he found that the carriage of the issue through the news on the TV has developed an understanding of the general public towards the political problems occurred. Meaning to say here, it could be the media who the one creating the issue permitted, or it could be media too who provides the solution for it. We cannot deny the enormity of the power and influence of the media in shaping the flow of thinking of our society. When there is only one issue raised by the media, then the issue will also be followed by the society either through their leisure or through serious discussion, through their words, as well as through their status shared on Facebook or Twitter. And that’s why, Iyenger again mentioned together with his friend; Donald Kinder in ‘News That Matters’, â€Å"when television news focuses on a problem, the public’s priorities are altered, and altered again as television news moves on to something new. †Sometimes, the issue raised is only one. However, different ways of putting up the stories may cause different way of viewpoint. It may be that with dealing on an issue will make people have a good look toward one party or side. Meanwhile, it can also be that with another way of handling an issue may causes people to have bad sentiment at one side. Mass media, if they are honest, thus the true way of thinking can be mould among the society. Conversely, if they deviate and go off from the principle they should be, then so goes the pattern of thinking that will exist in the community. Thinking of how great is the influence of media in determining the current mindset of society; media thus should be honest and trustworthy in carrying any issue or theme into the community. Seeing the reality of nowadays media, it is not easy for them to stand as a natural institution or unequivocal to any party. When the media were in favour of any party, then the way they play with an issue or problem will always favour to the side they support. Sometimes, mistakes and glares made by the side supported no matter how big would it be are usually hidden or removed by creating offense related to the other side which have different ideology or schools of thought. Any media if it is used for the benefit of one party, surely it will be a mouthpiece of the party. Hence, all reports, news, issues taken will surely favour them. Media should act as a tool to educate the community. Media plays an important role in developing the mindset of society, whether to form a good and clean mindset or the other way around. Media should not be exploited to manipulate people to have the wrong way of thinking. The effect will lead to duping of the society itself.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The And Redefining Expectations Of Quality Television
Battlestar Galactica Rebooted, Refurbished, and Redefining Expectations of Quality Television In 2002 Ron Moore began working on an updated, reimagined take on the 1970’s Science Fiction show Battlestar Galactica. With the help of producer David Eick, Moore created a miniseries event that was one part film, one part pilot for a new breed of televised Science Fiction drama. Combining elements present in other Quality Television shows, Battlestar Galactica (BSG) redefined the expectations of consumers for what Science Fiction could achieve in a TV setting. Utopian narratives such as Star Trek, while providing allegorical commentary on present events, were still in some ways unapproachable for the uninitiated audience. The reimagined Battlestar Galactica incorporated modern elements present in quality TV to attract a larger and more sophisticated fan base. Combined with a clear vision, gritty narratives, complex characters and smart dialogue, Battlestar Galactica is one of the clearest examples of qu ality TV present in the Second Golden Age of Television. The term â€Å"Quality Television†is in itself both a colloquialism, and an academic critical lens. While in the everyday vernacular to friends and colleagues, we may use the term Quality Television, at that time we may only be expressing our opinion. Quality Television by an academic standard is used to describe TV that has a high production value and cinematic feel, a detailed and serialized plot, complex characters, sex andShow MoreRelated21st Century Leadership Of Willie Robertson1477 Words  | 6 Pagesphilosophy is his commitment and dedication to keep his customers, employees and vendors happy throughout the entire aspect of the business practices while continuing to stay true to his faith. 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